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Girlguiding needs you!

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK.  Being involved in guiding is a fantastic opportunity. In Cottenham we have 2 Rainbows, 2 Brownies, 2 Guide units and 1 Ranger unit.

But our units in Cottenham always value more help. We need a District Commissioner.

Cottenham currently has seven very active and busy guiding units that meet on various nights during the week.  We are always on the look-out for new leaders to come forward to keep these units running. Some activities we’ve done this year are camping, crafts & badges, outdoor den building, swimming, movie nights, camping, pack holidays, district picnics, church service, maypole dancing, pizza making and going to The Big Gig – to name a few.

We currently need someone who could become our District Commissioner.

Girlguiding welcomes volunteers from all backgrounds, ages, cultures, faiths and abilities. 

Please think about volunteering and: 

• make new friends 

• become part of a world-wide organisation

• learn new skills and share the things we enjoy with the next generation. 

• no experience needed and it looks great on your CV!  

• we can offer flexibility and a fully supported training scheme.

For an informal chat and to talk through what’s involved please contact:

Deanna Raven T: 01954 250388


Dani Wykes T: 01954 250324
